4: Environments




  • Lesson Overview

    A review of gateway environment settings and how to configure each one.


    You. Hello, my name is Alex Brent and welcome to this video on Insight and Privacy. In this video we will take a look at the gateway environment settings and how to configure each one. So let's take a look. You can access the environment settings of the gateway by either clicking on the gateway name or by clicking on the menu to the right and clicking Edit.

    The Environment environment Settings option can then be found in the menu on the left.

    Ensighten privacy allows you to specify multiple languages and gateway controls for different regions, users, or sections of the site. Environments are the list of conditions under which specific controls will trigger. These will be linked up to the translation settings later on and we will cover this in another video by default. Environments use the user's, country and language. This uses the browser language to choose the proper environment.

    The only time you will need to add conditions is if you have some other methodology that you want to use. To determine which environment should be used to add a new environment, just click on the Add Environment button.

    First name the environment as you want and then proceed to fill in the boxes. Fill in the environment information with the location and language of the website that the gateway will be used on. Later on we will go through the translation settings of the environment.

    Then you will need to specify the conditions under which the translation settings will fire. You do not have to add a condition here, and if you don't, then the browser language will be matched against the environment language above. If the two match, then the environment will be used. If you have some other methodology which you would like to use instead of language, then you can manually add a condition. To add a new condition, just click the Add New Condition button.

    From this screen you can then specify each setting. You can choose to check a cookie value, the domain a JavaScript variable, or the URL in its entirety. You can then input a value to check against it using various different operators listed here. When you have filled in these boxes, just click the Save button and the condition will be added to the list.

    You can add as many different conditions to the list here as you like and choose if you would like to match any or all of these conditions. When you select any, the system will run through each condition and if it finds one that passes, it will stop checking and show the environment to the user. If you select all, then every condition in the list must pass before the environment will be used. If nothing passes, then the environment will not be used and the system will move on to the next environment and repeat the process. When you have finished your setup, then be sure to save it by clicking the Save button.

    Thank you for watching this video on the environment setup in the probe gateways. In the next video we will look at the user consent and what each part means for the configuration. For now, thanks for watching.