5. Adding Events




  • Lesson Overview



    Welcome to the training video on setting up events within the mobile UI. My name is Richard Jones and I'm a mobile implementation consultant at InsightOn. We already have an app created within the UI from our last tutorial video. The next step is to actually create the events. These have essentially the same function as events do within the manage environment, and that's to determine when a tag should fire.

    They are simple set up using our wizard, which we will go through right now. Firstly, you want to select add event. You are then taken to our Three step wizard. Section one details where and how the event should be triggered. You can see already that you have three options here.

    The first is lifecycle events. These are available straight away as soon as the framework is installed. It includes metrics like Page Use, Clicks, App Launch, and when the app goes to the foreground and background among more, all you do is simply select one of the options and this section is done. The next event option is tracker event. This option allows you to trigger an event based off the data layer that you have added to your app.

    There is further information on installing the data layer in one of our previous videos. We have built in the three most common use cases for ease of access, page views, events and conversions. You can however create as many touch points as you would like using the custom option. You simply need to give it a name and specify the method name you have used within the app. The final option is injected events.

    These are fired automatically by code that is injected into your app through swizzling in iOS or by the Android plugin in. Android injected events are the only events that are supported in library versions earlier than Android Library 30 iOS objective c Library three, four and iOS swift Library 20. However, it is recommended that you upgrade the Insight and Mobile Library in your app to the latest version in order to use Lifecycle Events and Tracker Events. For this example, we will select the Lifecycle Event page view and then click next to get to section two. This section is the Data section.

    Here we pick up any data we want passed to any tags that we want to fire based off this event. You can see here that we automatically create some based on the event you have selected. In this case we have Page which picks up the Page name in a similar manner. If we selected Click in the previous section, we will automatically pick up the element name that was clicked. The next part of this section is Global Tokens.

    This contains a large number of tokens automatically picked up by the framework. You can select which ones you want by selecting Add Global Token. You can see here that we pick up data on the app itself, the device, Lifecycle Data, plus more. We will select App version device ID and launch count. For this example, click Add Selected for your selections to take effect.

    The last part of this section is Custom Tokens. You need to use this when you have selected to use a custom tracker event method. This is described in a separate video as a more in depth look is needed. The third and final stage is Tags. This allows you to create a tag directly in the Event Creation tool which we'll go into detail in the next video.

    Thank you for joining me for this video. If you have any questions then please contact our support team via Support@insighton.com.


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