3. Swift Installation




  • Lesson Overview



    Welcome to the Training video on how to install the incyton mobile framework into your Android app. My name is Richard Jones and I'm a mobile implementation consultant at InsightOn. While this video describes how to install the Android framework, you can see the code and steps needed by also following our written guide in the Success link shown on the screen. We have streamlined the implementation process as much as possible to allow you to quickly and easily start tagging your app. We start by first opening your Apple build gradle file.

    Here is where we want to add two sections of code. Firstly, we're adding the repository for Insyn. Feel free to copy and paste the code directly from the Success link straight into your app. The second bit of code is adding incyton to the dependency section. The only thing that may change with this line of code is the version number at the end.

    This is also the only thing that needs updating when we release a new framework version. With that done, we need to run the framework when the app loads and tell it where to find your tag configuration. So open the app's main activity. This can be determined by finding the following intent filter inside Androidmanifest XML. Within here, we need to navigate to the onCreate method and add the following line this contains two parts that you will need to change.

    Firstly the account ID. This will need to match the account name that you log in to manage with. For this example, I've put in my training account name ens Training 350. The second is the app ID. This will need to be unique to your app and will be how you match your application to the app you will set up in the mobile UI.

    This should be something that is easy to identify your app with but not include any spaces or special characters. For this demo. I shall call it Insyn demo. For the final compulsory part of the setup, we need to navigate to the Android manifest XML file. Here, add the following three permission lines.

    With that done, InsightOn is installed into your app. There is one final optional part to do if your app is using a Pro guard file. If you are, then you can simply add the following piece of code into your Proguardrules Pro file. Finally, clean and rebuild your app and you're good to go. To ensure that everything has been installed correctly, please see our Testing and Debugging with Charles video.

    Thank you for joining me for this video. All of the code examples you've seen in this video are available on our Help site, Success Insighton.com. If you have any questions then please contact our support team via Support@insighton.com.


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